Save the taxonomy – Say NO to the greenwashing of natural gas and nuclear power
The greenwashing of natural gas and nuclear power by the EU taxonomy may appear to take place far away in Brussels and Strasbourg. But this regulation is not yet in force, and regional protest could make all the difference.
The chances of the EU Parliament stopping this project are greater than ever.
However, it will take the voices of civil society for this majority to actually materialize. Many groups in many places that take action at the same time can together have a decisive impact on the EU Parliament’s decision. And your MEP’s constituency office should not be very far from where you live.
This is our plan: during May, regional groups show up at as many MEPs’ regional offices as possible. In face-to-face meetings and with a visually interesting photo/video campaign, they will call on MEPs to:

“Save the EU taxonomy – vote ‘NO’!”.
You can be part of this too! On this page, .ausgestrahlt provides some materials to help you organize a meeting with your MEP.
If you have any questions and if you want to take part, please contact us at
Save the EU taxonomy
Workshop recorded on 29 March
Save the EU taxonomy
Presentation of the workshop on 29 March
How to find and contact your Member of the European Parliament (MEP)
- Search the MEP database https://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/home
- If possible, find information on your MEP’s voting track record, for example on https://www.votewatch.eu/
- Check your MEP’s website or google to find their contact information as well as the address of their regional office
For German MEP's: compare our map of the regional offices
For international MEP's: compare the contact data and a map of some regional offices provided by Parents For Future Germany.
Aim and procedure for the photo/video campaign
In May, groups will visit as many MEPs as possible in as many places as possible, talk to them about their position on the current taxonomy draft and organize media-effective actions (with them or their staff) outside their regional offices.
The aim is
(1) to convince those MEPs who are open to voting against the draft and
(2) to make visible the commitment of those MEPs who have already decided to vote against it.
Therefore, we demand that they “Save the EU taxonomy – vote against the inclusion of gas and nuclear power and for a functioning and science-based taxonomy!”
It is not necessary to talk to the MEPs personally – consider it a success if a member of their office staff agrees to talk to you or take a photo. Ideally, they will join in the action when you take the photo. If nobody responds to your request, you can take the photos anyway and take a photo of you dropping the demands in their (physical) mailbox. In any case, be sure to invite the press.
Before: contact the MEP’s office, agree on a date, invite the press, register as a rally if necessary
On site: hand over demands or drop them in the mailbox, take “Save the EU taxonomy” photos
Afterwards: write press release, report in own media, send photos and feedback to taxonomie[at]ausgestrahlt.de
You can find more information on how to prepare and perform the action in these guidelines (in German).
Materials and contact
Here you can find the materials we have prepared to support you in performing this action. Some of it is also available in English, and more English translations will be available shortly. Should you have any questions or need help with the content, please contact us at taxonomie[at]ausgestrahlt.de.
Action guidelines: What the action should look like and what to consider during the preparations.
Print templates
Info flyer “Taxonomie retten” for distribution and as an argumentation aid (in German)
Formulation aid and text modules for talks (via mail, English/German)
For background information on the EU taxonomy, please visit our overview page (in German) or https://www.dont-nuke-the-taxonomy.eu/.
Political background information
The European Parliament can stop the inclusion of fossil gas and nuclear power in the taxonomy if at least 353 of the 705 MEPs vote “no”. Many political groups and parliamentarians have already announced that this is what they will do. In mid-March, 101 MEPs from almost all political groups called on the EU Commission to withdraw the draft that includes gas and nuclear. Even some key conservative politicians now want to organize a majority to reject their inclusion.
A rejection is therefore possible. And even if this does not happen, a subsequent lawsuit would have a better chance of success if there is more protest and more MEPs vote against the inclusion of gas and nuclear.
Current estimates show that less than 100 votes are missing for the rejection. Two parliamentary groups are particularly important to drum up sufficient support and win these votes: the centre-right European People’s Party Group (EPP Group) and the liberal Renew Europe Group (Renew). Therefore, if you have a choice, choose preferably EPP or Renew MEPs. However, actions at the other parties’ offices are also important because they raise the general awareness of the issue and show MEPs that people will take note of how they vote.
The final vote is expected to take place shortly before the EU Parliament's summer recess, i.e. in the first week of July. Before that, there will be numerous committee meetings and hearings on the issue. May is therefore the right time to draw attention to this matter, because it is when MEPs will begin to deal with this issue.